15 de febrer del 2013


Today we explain you a new game we use in our english time. This activity alows we to practice many vocabulary we already know (clothes, animals, actions...). We have a lot of fun and we use "very difficult" sentences in a unconscious way.

You will need:
An open space
Four markers (cones, beanbags etc)
A gaggle of kids who are familiar with their basic colours
optional: a bunch of coloured fabric flags or scarves

Crocodile (lion, rabbit...) should be played outside in a largish play area.

One player is chosen to be the Crocodile (the lion, the monkey...) who then stands in the centre of the playing field. The other players stand along the start lin.
The players along the start line then start chanting “Crocodile, crocodile, may I cross the river?” and the crocodile replies “Yes you may, yes you may, if you are wearing *insert colour*”.
All the players who have that colour somewhere on their clothing may pass across to the finish line without being tagged.
The rest of the players must then run across to the finish line and avoid being tagged by the Crocodile.
The players who are caught then join the Crocodile in the middle of the field as Crocodile Helpers. Begin the game again, this time with the Crocodile Helpers also tagging players.
This goes on until one player is left who then becomes the Crocodile for the next round.

The crocodile says: "yes you may, yes you may if you cross it jumping, swimming, runing..."