6 de febrer del 2013


LANGUAGE FOCUS:  Colours (blue, yellow, red, purple)
                                         "I see something...",  "Find something..."


Today we learned a funny new song: "I see something blue"
First we looked around the classroom looking for colours, after that we made different coloured sculptures locating the colours in a box with construction pieces. And finally we run around the room to pick up all the spread pieces.

After singing the song a few times, we played the "I See Something..." game outside using the coloured wall. We found gray elephants, brow lions, pink flowers and green snakes. It was really funny.

If you want to play this game with us you must put your magic glasses on.

Have the children gather around you. Look around the room and then say, "I see something blue/red/yellow/etc. The students then try to guess which object you "see". They can point at the objects, or name them if they know the word. This is a great game for introducing new vocabulary. For example, if a student points to a blue pencil, the teacher can say, "The blue pencil? No, not the pencil. " After each guess, the teacher can introduce the word for the item the student is pointing to. After playing this game a couple of times, encourage the students to identify the objects by name, and then let the students take the lead and say, "I see something..." 
Two videos to practice the colours.