25 d’abril del 2013


 Five little monkeys     Cinc micos xicotets
jumping on the bed.      Salten en el lliT
One fell off                    Un caIGUÉ a terra
and bumped his head    I es dOnÀ un colp al cap
Mama called the doctor La mare telefonà al metge
and the doctor said     i el metge digué
"No more monkeys         “No més micos
jumping on the bed!"       
saltANT Al llit
Four little monkeys        Quatre micos
Three little monkeys       Tres micos
Two little monkeys           Dos micos
One little monkey              Un mico xicotet

DO you like those monkeys jumping on the bed?
and.... do you like the monkeys we have drawn this afternoon? How we did it? With a  big circle, two medium circles, a bigger circle around, two small circles, a line for the mouth...

 Another video about this funny song. This one with english subtitles: