29 de març del 2013

The Shapes songs

Before singing the song, we introduced and review different shapes. "The ShapeSong #2" practices triangle, rectangle, oval, and star, ("The Shape Song #1" practices circle, diamond, square and heart). We played the song in the background as we review the shapes with flashcards.
This is a super simple song for practicing shape recognition. It's also a fun fingerplay as children get to create the different shapes with their hands or even their bodies. It teaches useful language for making and looking for objects. 

In addition to shapes learning, we also made a difference between the two verbs: "make Vs. find" and we learned their meaning.

At first, we played with the song looking for the shapes in the class, after that, we cut colour shapes and spread them in the class. During the song, we had to look for one of them and bring them to our table. Once we had all our shapes in front of us, we had to rise the one the teacher said. "rise the diamond", "rise the heart"... Students played teacher's role and tell their mates to rise the shapes they wanted.